Monday, July 13, 2009

The Depature

This is my first ever blog post, and I promised myself to make it good and memorable.

Call me a late starter or what, but better late than never, right? In a time where even politicians blog, how can I not? For the past year or so I have been using my Windows Live Space as my 'blog'. But it's time to change to something which is more 'blog-like', and so here I am on

First of all, why 'Diary of Jen'? Well... all I can say is that it is inspired by the Breaking Benjamin hit back in 2006, 'The Diary of Jane', combined with a short-form of my name, 'Jen'. If you haven't heard of the song, turn on your speakers right now! (Warning: A bit of a heavy metal rock song that might not suit everyone's taste, if so, mute your speakers)

Second of all, why is my first post 'The Depature' when it should have been 'The Arrival'? There's a reason for every single thing that I do, by launching this blog, I am launching myself into a whole new chapter of my life. A depature from the old me, to a brand new me. Compared to my previous 'blog', which has almost being turned into a sports forum because I bombarded it with sports stuffs, this blog will record the bits of my everyday life, my deepest thoughts that I sometimes finds it hard to share, and everything between it. In the real world, people often see me in two modes, the 'silent-serious mode', and the 'loud-crazy mode', but whichever 'mode' I'm in, there are always thoughts going through my mind. When I'm quiet, I'm thinking. When I'm loud, I'm thinking too. Sometimes what people see in my reaction towards something does not neseccarily reflect what's in my thoughts. Here in my blog, I hope to share with everyone the deepest part of me, the true me.

And to be honest, physically I'm 19, but hell most of the time i felt that I still think as a kid, and act as one too. Hmm... it would be hard for me to explain... but let me just share 2 pictures...

This was how I looked like when I was 16.

This is how I look like now.

However, deep inside... I guess I'm still more to someone who look like this...

Haha! Thats the first deep thought I would like to share. I'm perhaps more kiddy as anyone would thought! :) And maybe my sense of humour wasn't that good after all...

Anyway, thats it for my first ever blog post. I now would hope to depart from the old me, to a brand new me! I promise there's more to come, more to share with everyone on this blog, my online diary, 'Diary of Jen'...

(Note: On 12.40am, 14th July 2009, I finally started to blog!!! What a historic moment! -_-")

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