Once again its Friday!!! My favourite day of all the seven days available in a week... -_-"
And its has actually become some sort of a routine for me to have a cup of tea with my gang every single Friday night. Tonight (or should I say yesterday night coz its past midnight now), me and my gang went to one of our hanging-out 'hotspots', Oldtown White Coffee along Jalan Kapar. It's one of my favourite place to chill out with my friends because the environment is good and spacious, with open air as well as air-conditioned sections, nice food and drinks, and also it has free wi-fi connections, so I could actually be considered as a loyal customer of the Oldtown franchise^^. But today we were greeted with something new... A NEW MENU!!!
Seriously I don't know why am I excited about it, but I'm just excited. When I actually get hold of the new menu, I was like 'Wow', without knowing what am I 'Wow-ing' about. I knew they have changed the menu several times, but this time, they altered their menu to include side orders and snacks like chicken wings and fries. Well... are they trying to compete with mamak stalls and western food outlets? lol. And also, after introducing breakfast meal package a few months back, a brand new lunch meal package came out. Its all about the trend, it seems like every food outlet you go nowadays, you have breakfast sets and/or lunch sets... There is clearly competitions going on, you came out with something, so I come out with my version of that something, and hope that my version will be better than yours.
Enough of talking about Oldtown, I now wanna talk about what me and my gang talked about while we were there, and seriously our main talking point did put me in a hard position. I'll explain...
First of all, I came out with the idea of going to the cinema to watch 'Ice Age 3' the next day, and I'm so confident that everyone will agree with this outing, given that last week we couldn't settle for which movie to watch (I wanna watch Transformers while others wanna watch Ice Age, and I did end up watching Transformers but not with them), so this time around I thought Ice Age would be okay. However it turns out not to be the case. Some say wanna rest, some say no money... But in the end somehow we all agreed to go.
A problem solved, another one pops out. No one seemed willing to drive. And I was bombarded by reasons why I should be the one who drive. My car is the most fuel saving so I should drive... I came out with the idea of this outing so I should drive... But a big problem is, my car ran out of petrol and if I were to drive, I would need to refuel. My friends agreed to share petrol with me, but I still kinda refuse to drive. Why??? Because I couldn't make up my mind of how much they would have to share. Taking too little, I'm afraid they might think why the hell I wanna charge them if it's so little? (and for some reasons I really can't go to a petrol station and refuel a single-digit amount worth of fuel...) Taking too much, of course I won't feel good about it. And also I have no idea how much is too little how much is too much. Then one of us came out with an amount after a round of precise 'fuel consumption' counting. I made sure everyone of us agreed with that amount, only then I said okay...
Haha... The lesson of the story is: Sometimes a problem might seem a small one at first glance, but when it involves money and principles, it could actually turn out to be a more complicated one. Or maybe I'm just a complicated guy who thinks way too much...
But at the end of the day, what pisses me off most is that after solving so many problems and we all agreed with the outing, I went home and tried to book tickets online, I found out that all reservation seats for tomorrow's show is fully booked. I was like 'What the hell?', Ice Age 3 has been showing for 2 weeks already and yet I can't get tickets for tomorrow? My gosh its a bit unbelievable in my opinion... Zzz...
节哀顺变 - 堂哥
3 months ago
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