The 'highlighter' I mean here is those drivers who shoot highlight at me when I'm driving.
And yeah! I'm damn-ing those people!
Few days back on Monday, when I'm driving my dad's car somewhere at Subang, a jeep highlighted me from behind, asking me to give way or go faster. And no, it's not on a highway, if it's on a highway, I will without a doubt give way because I'm usually slower than most cars on the fast lane, but this happens along a 2-lane town road. I was on the right lane, and there's a car going just a lil bit slower than me on my left. Then appear this jeep, or van, or whatsoever, highlighting me. I was at around 70, on a town road, how fast can I go? Straight away I'm furious. I won't switch my lane, I won't go any faster either. I purposely do that because he 'ignited' me first. If not, according to my 'driving style', I would usually go faster and overtake the car on the left and then cut back in. Not this time... I told my dad: It's impossible that I will give way! (我哪里会要让他?)
This is not the first time such things happened to me. Around last month, some kind of guy highlighted and honk me somewhere in Klang. Once again I wanna say, if it's on highway, nevermind I give you way. But on city roads, if I don't think I'm going too slow, sorry, not in my life I will give way.
To drivers like that, I usually will say: 这些人不是赶着去生孩子,不是赶着去开房,而是赶着去死!It translates 'these people are not rushing to deliver baby, also not rushing to 'open room' (have sex), but they are rushing to die!'. Well... It sounds much more powerful in chinese anyway. xD
And people who know me well will know that when I scold people, I really scold until gao gao punya. How I scold? I don't scold them. I will never scold them. I scold their parents! The reason these people are like that, not their fault mar... It's their parents who are useless, who failed to educate them! That's my style of scolding people. I feel this is the way that would make people really angry. No matter how much you scold them, also can't make them as angry as scolding their parents once. That's my opinion. But of coz... I ain't crazy. I will not scold in front of the person. I will just scold behind the person (like scolding in my car). By doing this, I don't risk anything, at the same time I have my satisfaction too.
Well... my way of scolding sounds controversial. I don't care anyway. But here's a lesson lar, this shows that if people don't want their parents to get cursed by me until like that, don't highlight me. Lolz! But the best is, DON'T LAR HIGHLIGHT ANYONE. DRIVE SAVE LAR. Why the rush? Think of your love ones. Think of your... PARENTS. Muahahahahaha...
(Note: Show me some comments lar... On that chatbox there... ^^)
节哀顺变 - 堂哥
3 months ago
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